Digea Rust Brushes (for Adobe Photoshop)
Here at Getbrushes we just love grungy stuff! We do, really. Cracks, dirt, rust, decay, anything to get that nice grungy feeling is automatically a favorite in our hearts and these 9 Photoshop brushes are a very good addition to our collection.

Photoshop Brush Details
Category : Grunge Photoshop brushes
Author : Jelena Jovović
Review added : August 5th, 2006
Number of downloads : 15629
Number of views : 81399
User rating : (142 votes)
Editors rating :
Number of brushes : 9
File size : 1.9 MB
Photoshop version : Photoshop CS and higher.
Usage rights:
These photoshop brushes are free for non-commercial usage. You must link back to the author.
For commercial projects you need author's permission. Please contact the author directly for all the details.
Nice brushes thank you i love your site!
Nice set of brushes man. I’ll definitely download these! +Fav.
Thank you.